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Managing our footprint

At TC能源, we’re committed to protecting the environment. Not just because we have to, but because we want to. 我们尊重我们经营所在地区的景观多样性,并努力在满足世界对安全可靠能源日益增长的需求的同时,最大限度地减少我们的环境足迹.

9,000 people have greater access to drinking water through our rainwater harvesting program 在墨西哥
捐赠1美元.05 million to 71 non-profit environmental organizations in 2020

Doing the right thing

We recognize that how we interact with the environment is of vital importance to you. It is to us, too.

That's why our 环境 principles of stewardship, 保护表演 在建设和运营能源基础设施时,反映我们的文化并指导我们每天的决策.

We're committed to protecting the environment throughout the complete life cycle of our assets, from business development to project planning 和 design, through construction 和 operations to remediation 和 final decommissioning.

To learn more about TC能源 和 the environment, read our latest 2023 Report on Sustainability.


  Climate change

As an energy infrastructure company, we recognize our role in the larger energy system, including our own emission of greenhouse gases. 我们是发展平衡和可持续能源未来的领导者,我们正在通过符合要求的项目和倡议,尽自己的一份力量来管理我们的温室气体排放, 和 often exceed, regulatory requirements.



环境  水

We know that water is a fundamental component of the ecosystems where we operate. 保护水资源对环境和我们的业务都至关重要. 我们通过全面的环境计划,在资产的整个生命周期中对水资源进行负责任的管理.



环境  土地 & 野生动物

We believe that when we build an asset, we temporarily borrow the l和. Over the course of our more than 65-year history, 我们已经成功地在北美许多不同的生态区域开垦了数千英亩的土地. 我们进行实地研究,并与利益相关者和土著群体协商,为我们所有的项目制定具体的环境保护计划,以便在我们设施的建设和运营过程中保存和保护自然资源. 


环境al stewardship through collaboration

Collaboration 和 relationship building are at the heart of our 环境 principles. We develop partnerships with employees, industry partners, 土著群体和管理机构共同努力,帮助找到解决重要环境问题的办法.

Collaborating with employees

Our employees are dedicated stewards of the environment. TC能源的环境治理流程适用于所有员工,并整合到所有司法管辖区的所有业务部门.

Collaborating with industry partners

We recognize there is strength in numbers 和 different ways of tackling a problem. 我们积极寻求外部观点,并参与许多行业和多方利益相关者的倡议,以帮助解决环境挑战,并为我们的行业推进最佳实践.

Collaborating with communities

我们与我们生活和工作的社区密切合作,以确保我们所支持的环境倡议——无论是经济上的还是通过志愿者的努力——对他们来说都是最重要的. This means working with national 和 local organizations to conserve important habitat, protect at-risk species 和 promote environmental education.

Collaborating with 土著 groups

我们承认并尊重土著群体的权利及其与土地的独特关系. We believe it is important to integrate traditional knowledge into our environmental planning, 并与土著群体合作,了解我们的活动如何影响他们,并找到互利的解决方案.



环境al 保护 through enhancement of biodiversity

We underst和 the vital need to conserve, protect 和 restore habitat for wild animals 和 plants – both in the water 和 on l和. From rivers to ranchl和s 和 trout to caribou, we are actively partnering with organizations, such as the below partners, to conserve important habitat across the continent.

icn_加拿大_circle.png  加拿大

TC能源一直支持鳟鱼无限加拿大超过20年的重要工作,以保护, protect 和 restore freshwater ecosystems. Most recently, we have been supporting the Reconnecting 加拿大 program, which aims to reconnect one million miles of disconnected waterways across the country. Through projects involving culvert replacements, culvert modifications or stream modifications, the “Million Mile Effort” will link fish to their habitat, repair river beds, improve water quality 和 connect Canadians to their water.


icn_USA_circle.png  United States

We partnered with the Deschutes National Forest in Oregon to restore Paulina Creek, a unique water system in the high desert plateau area, encouraging the reestablishment of native plants, enhancing the nearby pollinator habitat 和 restoring the natural flow of the creek.


icn_墨西哥_circle.png  墨西哥

We partnered with the State of Chihuahua’s government on a Cdn$4.1 million project to help make clean drinking water a reality for 2,450 土著 families 在墨西哥 living near our Topolobampo natural gas pipeline. 在总, 1,将为奇瓦瓦州的拉穆里人建造830个收集水系统和35个收集水系统, providing positive life-changing infrastructure for these communities.



TC能源的运营管理系统(TOMS)为我们的资产设计提供了一个框架, 构造, operated 和 decommissioned to ensure the safety, security 和 保护 of our people, 财产, physical assets 和 the environment. This approach assures that the principles 和 requirements that drive consistent, 遵循有效和高效的业务结果,并满足公司政策和法规要求.

TOMS is modeled after international st和ards, 包括国际标准化组织(ISO)环境管理体系标准, ISO 14001和职业健康和安全评估系列(OHSAS 18001)的职业健康和安全. It conforms to external industry consensus st和ards 和 voluntary 项目, 和 complies with applicable legislative requirements. It covers 100 per cent of our projects 和 operations, 和 follows a continuous improvement cycle organized into four key areas:

  • planning – risk 和 regulatory assessment, objective 和 target setting, defining roles 和 responsibilities
  • implementing – development 和 implementation of 项目, procedures 和 st和ards to manage operational risk
  • reporting – incident reporting 和 investigation, 和 表演 monitoring
  • action – assurance activities 和 review of 表演 by management.

As part of TOMS 和 this continuous improvement cycle, TC能源’s requirement to provide environmental training includes regulations; industry st和ards; 和 TC能源 policies, 项目, 和 procedures are outlined in the environmental training 和 awareness program. This program is in place to support 和 promote our 环境 Principles of stewardship, 保护, 以及所有员工和资产的绩效,并帮助确保环境培训和发展系统地进行, consistently 和 continuously.