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Engaging with communities


At TC Energy, 我们经常把自己描述为管道运营商或能源生产商, of course, we build pipelines and power plants too.

但我们建立的最重要的东西是持久的关系, with governments, communities, landowners, Indigenous groups, suppliers, vendors, contractors and the public.

Positive relationships with communities, such as Pike River and Saint-Sébastien, and leaders, 比如圣萨姆巴斯蒂安市长马丁·蒂伯特对TC能源公司很重要.

Our commitment to you


Our core values of safety, responsibility, collaboration, 创新和诚信是我们对利益相关者承诺的核心. 这些价值观指导我们与利益相关者的互动, 因为我们倾听他们的意见,并将他们的反馈纳入我们的项目计划.

We abide by the following principles:

  • 我们确定并考虑利益相关者的观点
  • 我们在社区中是可见的、存在的、可接近的
  • We recognize that diverse thoughts, 意见和经验有助于更好的决策和结果
  • 我们为自己的决定和结果承担责任
  • 我们跟踪,衡量和报告我们的表现,以学习和改进


TC Energy’s stakeholders

虽然我们与成千上万的社区建立了牢固的关系, 以几代人的合作和信任为后盾, 我们还致力于赢得尚未与我们合作的社区的公众信任.

我们的利益相关者包括对我们的业务活动有重大影响或可能受到影响的个人或团体, be it directly or indirectly. Whether they are local community members, landowners or Indigenous groups – who we recognize as rightsholders with a distinct relationship to the land – we are committed to building mutually beneficial relationships with our neighbours.


Learn more about how we work with Indigenous groups and landowners.

Our approach

TC能源与整个社区 life cycle of our assets, from project approval to decommissioning.

By engaging early and often with stakeholders, 我们制定项目计划,为每个参与的人带来更好的结果. 与利益相关者接触意味着倾听所有利益相关者的需求, providing accurate information, 并以迅速和一致的方式回应利益相关者的利益.

Some of the ways we work to identify potential environmental and socio-economic effects are through hosting local open houses, 进行公开演讲和一对一的讨论. 我们还向利益相关者提供情况说明书, brochures, 网站并提供电子邮件和免费电话直接与我们联系.

一旦我们的资产投入运营,我们与利益相关者的接触就不会结束. Our regional community liaisons continue to build and maintain relationships with our stakeholders and focus on community relations, public awareness, 应急响应和社区投资活动贯穿资产的整个生命周期.


Our personnel can be reached through helplines or online
我们的参与活动遍及加拿大6个省的地方和区域市政当局,40个美国.S. states, and 11 Mexican states


是的,我们的对外关系高级副总裁负责对外事务. Alongside our Environment and Land teams, our Indigenous Relations, Government Relations and Community Relations teams work to continuously build and cultivate positive and constructive relationships with stakeholders and rightsholders through project advocacy and education.

Learn more about our commitment to the environment, our work with landowners and our approach to Indigenous relations.

作为我们承诺的一部分,我们要对我们共享的土地负责任, and in support of the regulatory process, 我们评估可能与拟议项目的建设和运营有关的潜在影响. 一些与仪表站有关的可能影响的例子, 压缩站或管道工程包括对土壤的潜在影响, water, fish, wildlife, air quality and noise. Through engagement with community stakeholders, 我们还学习了重要的当地信息,这些信息将用于这些评估和最终的项目设计.

The Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment prepared for a proposed project considers potential effects on communities and groups whose interests may inform our planning process, 包括项目影响不同人群的潜力. We propose mitigation and enhancement measures and evaluate the significance of residual effects once these measures are implemented. 环境保护计划亦已制订,以确定在施工期间须采取的措施, and the best practices we use to guide operations of the assets throughout their life cycle to manage effects and maintain equivalent land capability.


TC能源采用了系统和彻底的路线选择过程,并考虑了各种因素, such as:

  • desktop studies
  • helicopter surveys
  • 实地核查和实地调查
  • 工程,岩土和环境领域的研究
  • 沿着现有的干扰和走廊放置管道,以尽量减少新的足迹

路线选择考虑到最小化总路线长度或土地需求的目标, 满足适用的法规要求,减少环境足迹, 同时仔细评估整体施工的复杂性和我们满足客户需求的能力. Feedback received through stakeholder, 土地所有者和土著居民的参与为拟议路线和地点的评估提供了信息.

我们相信,当我们建立一项资产时,我们暂时借用了土地 learn more.

在施工期间,项目区域内和周围的交通以及现场的重型设备都会增加. We adhere to construction plans and the Environmental Protection Plan to ensure that the impacts of construction activities on communities are minimized.

我们的许多项目包括使用临时工作空间和, if required, 为支持建设而建造了员工宿舍. If our plans include these features, 我们在早期开始与潜在受影响的利益相关者进行对话,以听取和了解社区利益.

Access to-and-from site is planned based on a number of factors including finding the safest and most efficient routes to our work site, existing infrastructure, 需要新的基础设施来支持建筑和市政规划. Access planning is refined throughout project development and final plans are communicated to communities prior to starting work.


Once construction is completed, the impacted land area – including our temporary work space and workforce accommodation areas – is reclaimed to an equivalent land capability so that it can support various uses similar to the ability that existed previously. Measures are taken to prevent topsoil/surface material loss from wind and water erosion and to establish a vegetative cover native to the surrounding vegetation and land use. After the facilities are constructed, 将有最小的交通与正在进行的操作和维护.

Learn more about how we 在我们资产的整个生命周期内保护环境.

Our safety program starts before construction. We use only high-quality materials, the latest proven technologies and industry-leading practices to ensure the integrity of our pipelines before they go in the ground. We are a leader in North America in the use of automatic welding and ultrasonic testing technologies to construct pipelines. These technologies ensure high quality welds are made and every weld is inspected by qualified independent inspectors during construction. Prior to placing a pipeline in service, 它在比操作过程中看到的压力更高的水压下进行流体静力学测试. In addition, pipeline inspection tools with high resolution sensors are run through the pipeline to check for any other irregularities prior to flowing natural gas.

Once operational, we use state-of-the-art leak detection systems, 安全功能,如关闭阀,并为在我们的资产上工作的人员提供高度专业化的培训. 我们的管道系统全天24小时监控, 365 days a year by trained operators in our Operations Control Centres who manage the most sophisticated pipeline monitoring equipment and technology available. Our industry-leading asset integrity programs manage our pipeline and facilities for their entire life cycle to ensure they provide safe and reliable energy to consumers throughout North America.

Safety is our number one value – learn more.

我们的区域社区联络员在我们已经运营设施的社区生活和工作, 继续与利益相关者接触,同时将工作重点放在提高公众意识上, emergency response and community investment.

我们的目标是确保我们的管道和能源设施每天安全运行,并确保公众, our employees, 在不太可能发生的涉及我们资产的事件中,环境得到保护. 所有TC能源安全倡议都旨在推进一个目标:零是真实的. 我们为拥有行业领先的安全记录而感到自豪,并继续努力实现零安全事故的目标. Being prepared for the rare cases when something does go wrong is part of the commitment to ensuring the safety of the communities where we live and operate.

在我们的管道系统出现任何潜在问题的第一时间, 我们的控制中心操作员可以在几分钟内停止产品通过管道的流动并进行调查. If an irregular condition is detected, 管道运营商立即派遣应急人员到现场进行调查. 管线在现场经合格人员确认安全后方可重新启动.

In the unlikely event of an incident, all our assets - including pipelines and power generation facilities - have specific Emergency Response Plans that outline the steps we'll take to respond. Our Emergency Preparedness and Response team is focused on quickly and effectively responding to emergencies and mitigating any impacts that may have occurred to public safety, property or the environment in a timely manner. If there is an incident, we work closely with authorities, 紧急救援人员和媒体确保当地居民的安全并了解情况.

如遇紧急情况,请与相关人员联系 TC Energy emergency contact number.